Kagura Guide 2023

Hi, everyone! Welcome to my blog. Today, we're going to discuss Kagura, one of my favorite heroes to play in Mobile Legends: Bang Bang. I've played over a thousand matches with her, even though my win rate isn't that great (she's one of the hardest heroes to master).

Kagura Guide 2023


Name: Kagura

Role: Mage/Mid Laner : Poke/Finisher

Relationship With Hayabusa and Hanabi

Kagura and Hayabusa shared a childhood in the same village, forming a strong bond. They were inseparable, and their bond only grew stronger over time. As time passed, their affection for each other blossomed into a romantic connection.

One day, tragedy struck their village, when an evil witch attacked. The tragedy claimed many lives, including the parents of Kagura and Hayabusa. This horrific event left them devastated and filled with rage. They pledged to avenge their fallen loved ones and deliver justice to the malevolent witch.

That is why Kagura underwent rigorous training to attain the status of an Onmyouji Master, mastering the intricate arts of Yin and Yang. She used her newfound powers to help Hayabusa on his mission of revenge. Together, they tracked down the witch and defeated them, bringing an end to her reign of terror.

What about Hanabi? Why does she hate Kagura?

Hanabi is Hayabusa's training partner in ninjutsu. She secretly has feelings for Hayabusa. Unfortunately, Hayabusa is now dating Kagura. This is why Hanabi is upset with Kagura for taking Hayabusa away from her.



Passive: Yin Yang Gathering

When Kagura blink using the second skill to her umbrella, the passive will activate (every 4.5 seconds) create a shield and stun surrounding enemies.

First Skill: Seimei Umbrella Open

This is the skill we used to throw Kagura's embrella in stright direction to the location that we want. After that, we can use her first skill once again, to direct it to another location.

Second Skill: Raso Umbrella Flee

When Kagura is holding her umbrella, you can aim her second skill in the desired direction.

Kagura's second skill has many functions, such as:

  • Speeding up Kagura's rotations.
  • Can be used to pass through walls. This ability is effective for countering certain hero skills, such as Aldous' ultimate. Aldous does not have any skills that can bring him to pass through walls, except if he uses Flicker. 

  • Has the same function as Purify, a battle spell that we used to remove almost all CC (crowd control) effects given by enemy heroes, except for Franco and Kaja's ultimates, but it's free. So, Kagura's second skill is the best way to counter Saber's ultimate, Franco's hook, and other CC skills.

When Kagura releases the umbrella, you can blink using her second skill to the umbrella location, activating the passive, Yin Yang Gathering.

Third Skills: The Ultimate

Kagura's third skill (ultimate) has two forms, one when she holds her umbrella and one when she releases it. Both must be used in combination to eliminate enemy heroes.

Kagura First Ultimate

Kagura Second Ultimate

Build and Emblem

Emblem Setting 

After the emblem system was revamped, Kagura is better suited to use the assassin emblem than the mage one. You can use the following emblem setting for Kagura. 


This is the best build for Kagura:

  • Arcane Boots
  • Clock Of Destiny
  • Lightning Truncheon
  • Holy Crystal
  • Glowing Wand
  • Divine Glave

For defense, you can bring Winter Truncheon or Immortality to the build.

Kagura's Combos

When playing as Kagura, you'll have access to six active skills and one passive skill as explained earlier. While you won't always need to use all of them to eliminate enemies, playing her effectively can be quite challenging, especially for the first time. However, once you grasp how to use her skills, you'll find that her mechanics are actually quite simple and easy to learn.

Early in the game, Kagura's ability to clear minion waves is slower compared to most mage heroes. To address this, once you've upgraded Kagura's second skill, you can utilize a combination of her first and second skills, along with her passive, to swiftly clear minion waves. When Kagura teleports to her umbrella, her passive is activated (with a 4.5-second cooldown). This combination can also be used to poke enemy heroes, disrupting their farming or even eliminating low HP heroes.

First Combo: 1-3-1-2-3-2 Combo (Basic Combo)

Once you've unlocked all of Kagura's skills, you can use the following combo: 1-3-1-2-3-2, followed by either Flameshot or Execute to eliminate the enemy hero. This is the main combo that mostly used by Kagura's users in the entire game.

The selection of the battle spell should be contingent upon the enemy hero you are encountering. For instance, if you're up against Nana in the mid lane, Flameshot is the ideal battle spell to counter Nana's annoying passive. However, I prefer to use Execute over Flameshot because I'm more used to it.

Some Kagura users opt to use Flicker as a battle spell in order to approach enemies that are out of her skills range, doing freestyle combos, or even escape from danger. 

To perform this combo effectively, here are some tips to consider.

  • Start by using Kagura's first skill (Seimei Umbrella Open) to launch her umbrella at the enemy hero, dealing damage and applying a slow effect. 
  • Following that, immediately activate her third skill (Kagura's ultimate when her umbrella is released. Note: do not press the ult too fast, you need to wait untill the umbrella reach the enemy first). This will reset the cooldown of her first skill, allowing you to use it again to reapply the same effect as before. Kagura's ultimate is an area skill that inflicts significant damage to the enemy. As long as the enemy hero remains within Kagura's ultimate area, the pull effect of her ultimate will draw enemies toward the umbrella, making it quite challenging for them to escape from Kagura's combo.
  • The next step is to use Kagura's second skill, Rasho Umbrella Flee, to blink towards her umbrella. This will position us side by side with the enemy, allowing us to use Kagura's second ultimate, Yin Yang Overturn. Yin Yang Overturn has a knock-back effect that will push the enemy away.
  • Use Execute or Flameshot to give final damage, just in case if the enemy is not dead. 

Second Combo: 2 + Basic Combo

Some heroes, such as Saber or Eudora, enjoy hiding in bushes, waiting for "prey" to pass by. If Kagura is suddenly stunned by Eudora or targeted with Saber's ultimate or other hero that works the same, she can still use her second skill to escape.

Afterwards, we can respond by using the previously explained basic combo to unleash our own ultimate on them. Guaranteed, they will undoubtedly regret having done that to Kagura.

Third Combo: 1-3-2-1

When we want to eliminate the enemy hero, who used Flicker as a battle spell or a hero with numerous blink/dash abilities like the assassin one, this combo proves to be highly effective. 

You already know that Kagura first Ultimate will explode and pull the enemy towards her umbrella. But, heroes that I mention above can easily escape from this effect. So the damage that their receive is not maximum. 

To overcome this, we can use Kagura first skill to direct her umbrella towards enemy before the ultimate explode. 

This is not a full damage combo, so it better use to eliminate low HP heroes.

Bonus Tips:

  • Purchase two Mana Necklaces at the beginning of the game to manage Kagura's mana consumption effectively.
  • If you need to recall to base, place Kagura's umbrella outside, blink to it, and then use the second skill once again to proceed to your lane as quickly as possible. This way, you won't miss out on exp and gold from minions.

There are many other Kagura combos that you can learn. But in my opinion, mastering the basic combo is more important because this is the combo that is mostly used by Kagura users in the entire game.

Kagura's Pros and Cons 


  • Kagura has many skills that can be combined together to kill enemies. The combo can vary depending on the enemy hero, the availability of the skills and the composition of our teammates.
  • Kagura's second skill can be used to remove crowd control effects, just like Purify. This allows her to use other battle spells, such as Execute or Flameshot, for extra damage.
  • Kagura has high mobility making her difficult to catch and kill. Her second skill has so much functions including pass through walls or escape from danger.
  • Kagura deals a lot of damage. She has multiple skills that can deal damage, and in the late game, she can often kill enemies with just one ultimate.
  • Kagura is one of the heroes that can solo kill the enemies. 


  • Kagura is a squishy hero. She has low health and armor, making her vulnerable to being killed by enemy heroes. 
  • You need to be careful when releasing Kagura's umbrella because the second skill that has an effect like Purify only works when she holds her umbrella. If you are against an enemy that can stunned you, like Selena, Kadita, Eudora and others, you can get killed if you're not careful when releasing Kagura's umbrella. 
  • Kagura is a difficult hero to master. You can't just press any skills that she have, but need to combine its together in perfect sequence in order to kill enemies.
  • Kagura users must be quick on their fingers to execute combos swiftly. 

Kagura is an exceptionally potent hero, capable of greatly benefiting any team. However, she is a difficult hero to master and should only be played by experienced players. I hope this guide helps you to learn more about Kagura and how to play her effectively.


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