Luo Yi Guide 2023 (Background, Skills, Build and Emblem Setting, Combos and Pros and Cons)

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to my blog. Today, we'll delve into everything you need to know about Luo Yi, covering her background, relationships with other heroes, skills, optimal builds and emblem settings, effective combos, and an analysis of her pros and cons.

Luo Yi's Background

Luo Yi is one of my favorite mage heroes in Mobile Legends. She resides in the Land Of Dawn, where light and shadows coexist. Her entrance quote, "Where There Is Light, There Are Also Shadows," hints at her intriguing persona. I enjoy playing her due to her passive ability, which boasts formidable crowd control, although she does lack an escape skill.

The Black Dragon Conflict

Luo Yi's backstory is deeply tied to the conflict between the Black Dragon and the Great Dragon over Cadia Riverland. As loyal followers of the Black Dragon, Luo Yi's family was involved in this battle. However, Black Dragon's ambitions led to his eventual defeat and sealing, causing his followers, including Luo Yi's family, to disperse.

While most of his followers returned to normal life, a few, including Luo Yi's family, clung to the hope that Black Dragon would return. Luo Yi's relentless quest to unseal the Black Dragon's power leads her to Yu Zhong, whom she believes is Black Dragon reincarnated. Guiding him on his journey of self-discovery, they eventually succeed in reclaiming the Black Dragon's powers.

Luo Yi's Skills: 

Luo Yi's skills are a key aspect of her gameplay:

Passive: Yin Yang Gathering: 

This is her primary tool for dispatching enemy heroes. It activates when enemies with different mark colors are in close proximity or when her first and second skills, each with a different color, are combined. Yin Yang Gathering inflicts magic burst damage and stuns affected enemies.

First Skill: 

Luo Yi's first skill marks enemy targets with colors matching her skill (Yellow or Purple) and deals damage. More importantly, it sets the stage for her passive, Yin Yang Reaction, and enhances her mobility through a second passive (can be activate by hit the enemy continuously using her first skill).

Second Skill: 

This AoE skill, known as Fire Of Yang and Aqua Of Yin, deals continuous damage to enemies. It complements her first skill for powerful combos.

Third Skill (Ultimate): 

Luo Yi's ultimate allows her to teleport across the map, making it a versatile tool for mobility, ganking, or escaping danger.

Build and Emblem Settings

You have two options when it comes to Luo Yi's build and emblem settings: full damage or cooldown reduction. Each option comes with its own set of recommended items and emblem configurations.

Full Damage Build and Emblem Setting


  • Arcane Boots
  • Clock of Destiny 
  • Lightning Truncheon 
  • Holy Crystal 
  • Genius Wand
  • Divine Glave 

Emblem: Common assassin emblem with this configuration:

Rupture + Weapon Master + Lethal Ignition 

Cooldown Reduction Build and Emblem Setting


  • Magic Shoes
  • Enchanted Talisman 
  • Genius Wand
  • Glowing Wand
  • Divine Glave 
  • Holy Crystal

Emblem: Common mage emblem with this configuration:

Agility + Weapon Master + Lethal Ignition 

Effective Combos

Luo Yi's primary strength lies in triggering her passive, Yin Yang Reaction. Here are some effective ways to do so:

Combo 1: 

Use her first skill alone to mark enemies with different colors. When they are close, the Yin Yang Reaction will stun and damage them.

Combo 2: 

Combine her first and second skills, ensuring they have different colors. For example, use a yellow first skill followed by a purple second skill. This triggers the Yin Yang Reaction and inflicts damage and stuns.

The stun effect can be done for one, two or three times. 

One times stun effect

Yellow first skill + purple second skill 

Purple first skill + yellow second skill

Two times stun effect

To do this, here are the steps you can follow:

Ensure that Luo Yi's first and second skills have different colors (e.g., yellow for the first skill and purple for the second).

Apply a mark to an enemy using her first skill, giving them a yellow mark. If marking the enemy directly proves challenging, hit the last minion so that the dust from Luo Yi's first skill spreads and hits the enemy.

After marking the enemy, both of her skills will be the same color (purple). To stun an enemy twice, the colors of her first and second skills must differ. To achieve this, throw her first skill in any direction without hitting an enemy. This action changes Luo Yi's first skill color to yellow, and you're now ready to execute the combo.

Chase the enemy and target them with the second skill (purple). This should trigger Luo Yi's passive, the Yin Yang Reaction, stunning, bursting, and pulling the enemy towards the center of her second skill.

Finally, hit the enemy with her yellow first skill to subject them to the same effect again. This double stun makes it incredibly challenging for them to escape.

Three times stun effect

This situation is quite rare and is only effective if the enemy remains within Luo Yi's second skill area after being stunned twice. Typically, two stuns suffice to eliminate the enemy, and they often escape further damage. To execute this, speed is essential, as Luo Yi's second skill only lasts for 6 seconds.

Following the double stun, quickly cast her first skill once more to change its color, ensuring it differs from the second skill. Then, target the enemy with the newly colored first skill to apply a third stun to them.

Combo 3: If against group of enemies on team fights 

It is very satisfying to see a lot of enemies affected by Luo Yi's passive, Yin Yang Reaction. The stun and pull effect can be very disruptive, and it can lead to easy kills for your team.

When facing a group of enemies, it is not always necessary to use Luo Yi's combo. In fact, it can be more effective to simply stun enemies continuously using her first and second skill. This will keep them in place and make them vulnerable to your team's attacks.


  • Luo Yi has very high damage output, and can be a damage dealer in team fights.
  • She has good crowd control abilities, which many players consider as annoying crowd control effects.
  • Her ultimate skill is a powerful teleport that can be used to initiate teamfights, escape from danger, or gank enemies.


  • Lack of escape skill and easily be countered by heroes with burst damage.
  • Luo Yi is a squishy hero and can be easily killed if she is caught out of position.
  • Her skills can be easily avoided by enemies with mobility skills or crowd control immunity.
  • She requires good positioning and timing in order to be effective.

If you're looking for a powerful and versatile mage to add to your roster, Luo Yi is a great choice. With her combination of damage, crowd control, and mobility, she can be a game-changer in the right hands.


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