Alice Guide 2023

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to my blog. In this post, let's delve into the enigmatic world of Alice, the most sinister hero in the Land of Dawn. Alice presents a unique challenge for players, with numerous counters, especially when positioned on the sideline. She starts off weak in the early game but transforms into a formidable force late in the match. I personally enjoy using her to boost my ranking. If you're intrigued about harnessing Alice's power in ranked games, consider perusing the tips I've shared below.


Hero Name: Alice  

Role: Exp or Midlaner

As mentioned earlier, Alice reigns as the most malevolent character in the Land of Dawn. As the Queen of the Dark Abyss, she's committed countless atrocities, not only against the innocent inhabitants of the Land of Dawn but also against some beloved heroes you've likely enjoyed playing. Of course, it's all fictional, so there's no need to take it too seriously, hehe.

Alice's sinister deeds stem from her unique power, which grows stronger every time she claims a life (Alice's passive ability). This insatiable thirst for blood is expressed in one of her quotes: 'I will drain every drop of blood from your body.'

Let me provide you with a quick overview of Alice's dark history in Mobile Legends, all in pursuit of becoming the ultimate queen of the Dark Abyss. Trust me; you might find yourself conflicted about her, too, hehe.

Assault on Emerald Woodland

Emerald Woodland was once a tranquil home to Elves like Miya and Estes. However, Alice, accompanied by an Orc army, launched a brutal attack in search of the Moonlight Shadow, claiming many lives in the process. Alice's mission to obtain the power of the Moonlight Shadow ultimately failed, as it was passed on to Miya (through her passive ability), a young Elf determined to protect her people and restore peace to Emerald Woodland. Miya was left alone to bear the weight of the tragedy.

Tearing Apart Selena and Karina

Selena and Karina, both born into the Dark Elves race, were inseparable and always operated as a team. Their powers were intricately tied to the Dark Abyss, with Alice at the helm. Alice, a formidable and manipulative figure, sought to expand her dominion. Viewing Selena as a valuable asset, she tried to sway her to her side. However, Karina, aware of Alice's danger, distrusted her and attempted to warn Selena. Alice eventually succeeded in luring Selena to the Abyss, causing a rift between the sisters that would never heal.

Stealing Parsha's Vision on Her Wedding Day

Parsha, the princess of a crow-human kingdom, found herself under attack on her wedding day, with Alice leading an Orc army. Alice aimed to seize the dark power that had shielded Parsha all her life. The wedding celebration was transformed into a massacre, resulting in the death of Parsha's father, the king.

Parsha valiantly defended her kingdom but couldn't withstand Alice's might. It was during this confrontation that Alice stole Parsha's sight, taunting her with the chilling words, "Look at darling, am I that hideous?" (Alice Quotes). Although blinded, Parsha managed to protect the dark power from Alice and vowed revenge against the woman who had shattered her life.


Passive: Blood Ancestry

Whenever an enemy minion dies near Alice, a blood orb is generated (one for each minion and two for heroes). Alice can absorb these orbs, granting her various benefits, including increased movement speed (60 blood orbs), mana regeneration (12 blood orbs), lifesteal, and a shield (25 blood orbs). These benefits are permanent, even after death. The maximum blood orbs Alice can collect is 200.

First Skill: Flowing Blood

Alice releases a sphere of blood energy with her first skill, dealing damage to all in its path. She can then teleport to the location of this blood sphere.

This skill has additional utility:

  • Revealing hidden enemies in bushes.
  • Acting as a "camera" to scout an area.

Second Skill: Blood Awe

Alice's second skill serves multiple purposes, including stunning and slowing enemies in an area. The stun affects nearby enemies, including minions.

It can be used strategically to prevent enemies from escaping her ultimate area and inflicts damage on them.

Third Skill (The Ultimate): Blood Ode

Upon activation, Alice creates a wide area of blood energy around her. Enemies within this area have their HP drained while Alice heals herself. This ultimate remains active as long as Alice has mana.

Build and Emblem Settings

Alice is a hero heavily reliant on mana. To balance her mana consumption, consider the following build and emblem settings:


1. Mana Boots

2. Clock of Destiny

3. Winter Truncheon

4. Additional defense items, both magical and physical.

Emblem Setting

For optimal mana regeneration, choose the Custom Basic Emblem over the Mage Emblem. Here's the emblem setting I typically use for Alice:

Alice's Combo and Tips 

Alice doesn't rely on complex combos, but there are essential gameplay tips to consider:

Tip 1: Wait Until Level 4 to Unlock Alice's Ultimate

In the early game, Alice's impact is limited. Focus on last-hitting minions with her first skill for extra experience and gold. Alice truly shines after unlocking her ultimate at level 4, enabling faster minion wave clearing.

Tip 2: Collect Blood Orbs

Blood orbs are essential for Alice, permanently increasing her max HP, movement speed, and providing mana regeneration. Collect as many as possible by roaming between lanes and assisting teammates in ganking enemies.

If you are facing squishy exp-laners like Zilong or Guinevere, you can also cut the minion waves to roam quickly. 

Some Alice players even take the "extreme" way to collect the blood orbs, like going to the enemy base when minions spawn, so that it allows Alice to eliminate the minions from three lanes at once (just in case if you want your teammates to lose exp and gold, hehe).

Tip 3: Master Alice's First Skill

Alice's first skill, Flowing Blood, is pivotal for quick map navigation and engaging or escaping battles. Use it to reveal hidden enemies and gain vision in bushes.

Tip 4: Manage Alice's Mana

Alice's ultimate consumes a significant amount of mana. Ensure her sustained effectiveness by investing in mana regeneration through items and emblems. Consider keeping her ultimate at level 1 to conserve mana.

Tip 5: Activate Alice's Ultimate Before Battle

Activate Alice's ultimate before engaging the enemy to benefit from her lifesteal effect. This prepares her for crowd control and burst damage encounters, making her more formidable.

Tip 6: Ultimate + Winter Truncheon Combo

Alice synergizes well with Winter Truncheon. When surrounded by enemies, activate Winter Truncheon to enter a freeze mode, rendering her immune to attacks. Her ultimate remains active, providing lifesteal and increasing in strength with more enemies nearby.


  • Don't pick Alice when your teammates are using heroes that also need to stack to deal maximum damage, such as Cecilion or Aldous.
  • If your teammates are using so many tanks, don't pick Alice as a midlaner. It's better to pick a mage hero with high damage output that can burst enemy heroes with one combo. Alice can't do that. 

Pros and Cons


  • Exceptional mobility with her first skill, Flowing Blood.
  • Lifesteal effect grants Alice durability.
  • Strong team fighting capabilities, capable of disrupting enemy formations.


  • High mana dependence, necessitating specific itemization.
  • Primarily excels in the late game.
  • Cannot burst down enemies with one combo.
  • Vulnerable to crowd control and burst damage heroes.

Alice is a very powerful hero, but she can be difficult to use. If you're willing to put in the time to learn how to play her, she can be a valuable asset to your team.

I hope this guide has been helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below.


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